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What is Therapeutic Blends?

Colour Energy's symptom specific Therapeutic Blends have proven to alleviate certain ailments. These powerful recipes contain 30% therapeutic essential oils to 70% organic Jojoba. These all natural colour-coded remedies are FREE from additives, alcohols, chemical fragrances and preservatives. To further empower your sense of well being, try several drops of a blend in correlating Colour Bath and create a pampering aroma and colour therapy home spa treatment!

What does Chakra balancing mean? 

Balance means: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Another interpretation is a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. 

A chakra is defined as one of seven centres of spiritual power in the human body. We can say to balance the chakra system is to create mental, emotional, physical and spiritual stability.
