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What is Therapeutic Blends?

Colour Energy's symptom specific Therapeutic Blends have proven to alleviate certain ailments. These powerful recipes contain 30% therapeutic essential oils to 70% organic Jojoba. These all natural colour-coded remedies are FREE from additives, alcohols, chemical fragrances and preservatives. To further empower your sense of well being, try several drops of a blend in correlating Colour Bath and create a pampering aroma and colour therapy home spa treatment!

Your seventh Energy Centre is the gateway to the Divine Being and our higher consciousness. This centre is called your Crown Chakra, or as we call it: Your Violet Intelligence. The importance of your Crown Chakra is to support you in all that you do spiritually. If this Chakra is weak or imbalanced you will feel as if the world is against you.
  • 5 min read
Over 4,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians and Indian cultures used aromatherapy as a healing art. Derived from aromatic plants and trees, each essential oil has specific therapeutic and balancing properties. The body benefits from absorbing the unique chemical composition of the selected essential oil. As well each oil has its own aromatic fragrance and directly stimulates the limbic system (the emotional force of the brain) via the sense of smell.  
  • 3 min read
